Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Easter in the 'Glades

No time off and no time to celebrate Easter in the traditional way, going to church, but I was giving thanks for all the blessings in my life while fishing with two great guys in the Everglades today.  I had Adam and his friend Larry for a full day in the Everglades.  The forecast was calling for light winds and when I pulled out of the marina I knew it would be a tough day with the water looking like chocolate milk from the high wind of the following days and super strong tides.  Anyway, I took them to a small island I have had good success at for snook and redfish but watch the tides because it gets very shallow very quick and I'd like to go home today.  Once there the tide was already half way out allowing me to only fish a third of the island but here the guys quickly got a few snook bites and each scored a snook in rapid succession.  To make a long day shorter on this report, it was terrible the rest of the day thanks to the extremely dirty water but we did find some tarpon towards the end of the now half day trip.  The problem is that the tarpon were focused on eating tiny inch long shrimp flowing out of a creek and the shrimp and lures we had were nothing like they were eating.  Urgh!  We went home.  

Capt. Mo Estevez



Follow me on Instagram @MiamiBonefishing

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