Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 1, 2014 Report

Although on a bad streak, Kim and Joe had come down for two reasons, bonefishing and diving. Unfortunately, both dive boats cancelled on them and day one of their vacation was shot. Day two they boarded my skiff and we headed off for 8 hours of bonefishing. Arriving at the first flat at low tide, there was a school of big tailing bonefish too shallow for me to get to so Joe hopped off the skiff and waded to them. After numerous shots, they spooked and headed off to deeper water. We also had several shots at a big tailing permit but every time we made a pinpoint cast, the fish would move off a few feet and render our cast ineffective, eventually he spooked. Every flat we fished held fish but the shots were hard to come by. At the last flat, on the last 10 minutes of the trip I spoke a big single bonefish and Joe makes a good cast. The fish spooks a bit but does a 180 and looks for the shrimp. I see him nose the shrimp, Joe tells me he's on it and reels like crazy and the fish races off and the line audibly cuts through the water leaving a rooster tail of water behind. After a few long runs, Joe gets the 10 plus pound bonefish close to the boat and just a few feet away the bonefish spits the hook! Ouch!!!! What a way to end the trip with two great people. Capt. Mo Estevez

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