Friday, March 20, 2015

March 19, 2015 Report (Tarpon!)

Day three and Jerry decided to let his grand daughter Maggie jump in the boat with Tommy while Jerry stayed behind. If only Jerry would've known what was about to transpire! Maggie doesn't fish a lot but was up for tarpon fishing and Tommy always is so off to tarpon fishing we went. First stop, first bait, less than 10 minutes one of the tons of tarpon all around us grabs Tommy's bait and explodes out of the water! After an hour and 15 minute fight Tommy lands his approximately 140lb tarpon. He more than doubled the size of the one he caught with me last year! I idle back around, set up again and start to drop back a bait when another big tarpon eats and again 140lbs of silver rage explodes out of the water! I hand the rod to Maggie, from henceforth referred to as "Margarita Tarpon Tamer", and she is tied in to the biggest, toughest, baddest fish of her life. Margarita Tarpon Tamer stared that fish in the eye and never backed down. We had a leader release in 15 minutes but a total of an hour and 20 minutes before we got the photo op. From there they wanted to focus on catching lots of fish so we changed locations and wrapped up the day with plenty of action including Tommy catching a big jack on 10lb test that had his hands sore. Oh, the blisters on the hands of Tommy and Margarita Tarpon Tamer from their tarpon will heal soon.
Capt. Mo Estevez 786-853-1409

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