Friday, May 22, 2020

The Ups and Downs (May 21, 2020 Double Report)

Today I had two trips, the morning trip was focused on bonefish and permit with Joe who lives in Miami. The whole morning provided us with slick calm conditions under a windless sky, and lot's of opportunities. Schools of bonefish were swimming everywhere and Joe kept taking shots but the bonefish would swim slightly to one side or the other or the cast was off just enough to render it fruitless. On the permit side, there were singles tailing here and there with a few schools mixed in. And wouldn't you know it, the last cast of the day was to a school of about 15 permit that landed just right until they decided to change direction and the follow up cast resulted it the bait flying off mid cast. This one's going to sting for a while. I had to wait two hours before the start of my afternoon trip as regular client David and his girlfriend Nicole couldn't make it any earlier. But, as soon as they got there we were off to bend some rods. Two wrecks later they had dinner in the cooler and bait for sharks on the flats. Once on the flats were hooked and lost 4 lemon sharks with the largest being about 150lbs that was swimming so shallow for about 30 minutes that the dorsal and tail fins were out of the water. However, before we called it a day one of the rods doubles over and the reel starts to scream to the point we had to chase the fish down a bit. We thought it was a shark at first but then I saw the dorsal of a barracuda and it was HUGE! David got the release of the monster and we called it a day with David smiling the whole way back to the marina.
Capt. Mo Estevez 786-853-1409 Follow me on Instagram @MiamiBoneFishing

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